bead weaving

Etymology of bead: from Middle English bede (“a prayer”).

Each bead, a prayer, woven together in the ritual of acknowledging, appreciating, and creating beauty.

Inspired by visionary journeys into the Unseen World, these woven bead adornments are created in reverence to the relationships we foster with the other-than-human beings. Each piece carries the medicine of that journey and a prayer for upholding our individual purpose on this interwoven Earthwalk.

this collection represents the theme of duality and union. we are leaving the age of separation and dominion and transitioning into the age of connection and respect. we are getting to experience the extremes of polarity and the possibility of no longer holding allegiance to one side or another, but being present with the breath of the spectrum.

a greater spectrum of experience is coming by way of neurodiversity. my spectrum of neurodiversity processes information flip flopped, upside down, inside out, all the way through to the other side so that there is no one or the other, there’s just one. in this collection of weavings, the experience of duality in union/ouroboros/beginning and ending are expressed in symbol and intention.

all pieces are one of a kind, hand woven prayers.